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About our Research
Rick Goldstein from the Boston Children’s Hospital says thank You
Sudden Unexplained Death In Childhood (SUDC) is the sudden and unexpected death of a child over the age of 12 months, which remains unexplained after a thorough case investigation is conducted.”
(Krous et al. 2005)
Raising money to conduct life-saving research and advocacy into the causes (and cures) of this devastating condition.
Raised to date
National Mortgage Brokers Raise $10,500
National Mortgage Brokers (nMB) held a conference in Melbourne in February in which Robert who is a nMB mortgage broker conducted a speech to the 150+ audience on the past 12 months, what has been achieved so far and what still needs to happen. Robert also...
Auction for an Angel Massive Success and raises $105,309
Auction for an Angel was held on a Saturday night 27/11/2010 in Bairnsdale at Nagle College and had over 460 guests in attendance and was an amazing evening filled with laughs, tears and compassion that had many people dig deep and purchase auction items...
Local one off donations
Local Bairnsdale businesses have made a major contribution to Auction for an Angel by way of goods and services. Should also be mentioned that individuals and businesses have also made significant donations to the fund.We thought it appropriate to make...
“Auction for an Angel” 10 days away
“Auction for an Angel “ is only 10 days away and the response from the community has been absolutely amazing. The Charity night being run in conjunction with SIDS and Kids and Bairnsdale Sunrise Rotary is attempting to raise much needed funds for the...
Police & Publicans Golf Day raises $6,000
The East Gippsland Police & Publicans Golf Day that is held annually at the Bairnsdale Golf Course this year raised funds to contribute towards the Cooper Trewin Memorial SUDC Research Fund. The glorious day managed to raise $6,000 and was enjoyed by...
Cooper & SIDS and Kids join forces
A partnership between Robert & Kylie Trewin and SIDS and Kids Victoria for the Cooper Trewin Memorial SUDC Research fund has been formed and both parties are extremely excited to be working together.Robert & Kylie made an appointment to travel to...
Local Raffle raises $27,553
Rotary Club of Bairnsdale Sunrise in conjunction with Robert and Kylie helped organise a Raffle with the major prize being a beautiful hand made garden seat donated by White Rose Furniture. Raffle was drawn on 25/08/2010 at a Rotary meeting by our local...
PSN and Esso donate $8,397.58
Paul Beha who lives near Cooper's Grandparents has managed to arrange a donation for the Cooper Trewin Memorial SUDC Research Fund that forms part of the Safety Incentive Scheme, Production Services Network (PSN) and Esso/BHP Billiton.The Companies would...
“Auction for an Angel” Date Set 27/11/2010
Robert & Kylie with the help from the Rotary Club of Bairnsdale Sunrise propose to hold an event on the 27/11/2010 at Nagle College in Bairnsdale. The evening will consist of a 3 course dinner, Live Auction, Silent Auction, Entertainment, Guest...

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