A partnership between Robert & Kylie Trewin and SIDS and Kids Victoria for the Cooper Trewin Memorial SUDC Research fund has been formed and both parties are extremely excited to be working together.

Robert & Kylie made an appointment to travel to Melbourne and meet up with Leanne Raven the CEO of SIDS & Kids to discuss the possibility of forming a partnership in order to raise some funds and have it spent on researching SUDC in memory of their son Cooper.

The discussion went well and a relationship has been formed with the Victorian branch of SIDS and Kids for the which the CEO is Karen Passey and formalised by way of an agreement.

The objectives of the agreement are that the parties have agreed to work together to raise awareness of an funds for into and support for families having experienced a loss due to SUDC.

This agreement is a major win and opportunity for both parties to make some headway into establishing research in Australia into SUDC.

“We have the drive and passion to raise funds in memory of our son Cooper in an attempt to try and save another family having to go through this tragedy” Robert said

“SIDS and Kids Victoria have the resources, contacts and experience in this field to help us use this money in the most efficient and appropriate manner and the partnership is a perfect fit for the most imperfect situation we found ourselves in after losing Cooper” Robert said

“We look forward to working with Robert & Kylie and getting some time lines in place for the research into SUDC and in fact have already made some enquiries” Karen said

This partnership could one day be responsible for finding a reason for why children silently and suddenly pass away unexpectedly without explanation and leave their family devastated and with the question WHY?