Leave a Message for Cooper

Cooper loved to talk and we are certain that he would love for you to leave a little message for him.

Some of Coopers favourite words were Moo, Ball, Blue, Cheese and his most loved word was MORE!

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About our Research

 Rick Goldstein from the Boston Children’s Hospital says thank You

Sudden Unexplained Death In Childhood (SUDC) is the sudden and unexpected death of a child over the age of 12 months, which remains unexplained after a thorough case investigation is conducted.”

(Krous et al. 2005)

Raising money to conduct life-saving research and advocacy into the causes (and cures) of this devastating condition.

Raised to date

Listen to Cooper’s Song by Phoebe Hutchison, Kylie & Robert Trewin

Messages for Cooper


Mumma Bear, Home, posted 22/07/2019 1:39pm – To my little Munchkin,
Wow….your new and improved website looks incredible! Although I won’t lie, i have shed a few tears whilst looking over it.
It is so hard to see your beautiful face and have you feel so far away…..and yet some days you feel so close.
I know you are watching over your little sister and brother, you would hear them talk about you all the time…it is incredibly  touching and heartbreaking at the same time to see they have so much love for their big brother whom they have never met.
Time goes by, it is coming up to your 11th birthday this year….that seems crazy to me as you are still my little “Super Cooper” so proud of yourself learning to walk.
I talk to you all the time but it is nice to put some words down in writing as I haven’t done so in a while.
I hope you feel the love in my cuddles each time i pick up your bear every day……
All my love, kisses and cuddles to the stars my beautiful boy, always,
Your Mumma Bear xxxxxxx

Aysun (Ays) Portoglou, Aussie Home Loans, posted 16/06/2016 11:24 am – Hey Coops! We never had the pleasure of meeting but I honestly feel like I know you after the many conversations’ I’ve had about you with your Dad… You are such a special boy and have brought so much to so many people.. Your parents are incredible and talk about you with soooo much love and passion, you cant help but feel connected to you… I wanted to share an initiative I am part of with the rest of my workplace Aussie Home Loans in collaboration with your dad’s workplace nMB… We’re donating $100 to the Coop’s Fund for every loan lodged… I know this sounds like jargon, but the main thing I want to point out is, we’ve already raised about $1500 in as little as 2 weeks.. This is 3 times more than what was anticipated… I am STOKED!!! And I promise you I will keep pushing this as much as I can with all my passion… My personal goal is $10K… I’ll check in with you to let you know how we go… Sending you love little buddy xx Ays x

Mumma Bear, Home, posted 10/07/2015 6:22 pm – Hey Bubba, Mumma Bear is just checking in…..for the past 12 months we have been planning your Winter Wonderland Masquerade Ball and here we are 2 weeks out….it has come around so quickly! It is so important to me to keep throwing ourselves into planning these events to keep raising the funds to find our answers sweet boy. It allows me to spend time purely dedicated to my precious little man….time that I should be spending reading you bedtime stories and fun bath times together….time that was stolen away from us all…. I still miss you every second of every day….I still cry at night when I stand under the shower and think of you…..I still feel your name roll off my tongue countless times each day…..the pain never dulls my precious Munchkin….you just learn to live with the pain….. I hope I do you proud with our Ball, I know you will be right there with us every step of the way….stay close baby boy…..I love you to the moon and back….. Keep sending your beautiful rainbows Coops, Love your Mumma Bear xxxxxxxxxxxx
Juju & Trevor, Tambo Upper, posted 7/10/2014 7:52 am – Happy Birtthday Cooper. May the angels hold you close xxx
Grade 2/3 at Swan Reach Primary School, Swan Reach , posted 27/06/2014 9:50 am – Today at Swan Reach Primary School, we are having a Crazy Hair Day and we are going to donate our gold coins to you. We hope our money helps your research fund, find out some information about why SUDC happens. From Grade Two/Three. -Coopers Foundation – Wow, what a fantastic idea, Cooper would have loved to have seen everybody’s “Crazy Hair” grade 2/3…..Thank you so much for your kind contribution to help find a reason. I hope you learn a lot about SUDC today….Coopers Dad Rob
Julie and Trevor, Tambo Upper , posted 4/12/2013 1:22 pm – Cooper, your family is amazing. what great news they have received with a breakthrough in the research. Keep shinning and watching over them xxxx
Tayla Trewin, Bairnsdale, posted 9/10/2013 11:00 am – Oh, my dear little cooper, you never got to meet me and i never got to meet you. I am your cousin, let me tell you about me. I work at maccas, i go to school I am in year 9. When my daddy and mummy told me you had passed, i didnt know why and i didnt know what was going on because i was too young to understand. But, today at school my english class was talking about you, and i was proud to say you were my little cousin. I now understand everything, I have photos of you an my mum and dad always go too your foundation. I love you, even though i never met you, your always in my heart little boy. xxxxxx my parents Tanya Bittner and Dean Trewin send there love. xxxxx
Tania, Phoebes Hairdresser at Carrum Downs, posted 3/08/2013 11:47 pm – God bless little Cooper, I cried when I listened to Phoebes “Coopers song” I feel for you all. And Cooper I hope you are having lots of fun where you are little man “god bless you little boy” Lots of love to you Cooper and I will always think of you now Love Tania xxxx
Sean and Mel Manning, Perth, WA, posted 8/05/2013 1:07 am – Cooper, I wanted you to know that you and your beautiful family are always in our thoughts. Whilst we haven’t met your amazing mummy and daddy yet I know our paths will cross soon. I’m sure Mylee and you have met and your little chubby hands showed us the way to reading your story, which is so similar to ours. We really just wanted to send love from our family to yours. X
Mummy, Home, posted 5/03/2013 9:47 pm – Hi there my little man, Today is your baby sister Chelsea’s 2nd birthday, I know that you saw the joy in her eyes when she was opening all of her beautiful presents and the excitement of exploring all her new toys and clothes……..I thought of you constantly……..your Daddy and I were so proud to be sharing in such a special day with our little Princess, and it made me so sad to think this was never something we ever got to celebrate with you, our precious Munchkin. It almost doesnt feel real that our little girl has reached that stage in her life, there is two way conversation, jokes, singing and dancing, running up to us…..or running away from Mummy at ‘bed time’……. again all things we will forever miss having experienced with you Coops. The tears stream down my cheeks now as I think of how differently this day should have been with you here to share in all the excitement……how much we are all missing out on…….. I guess I just want you to know baby boy that we all miss you every day and our memories and love for you will never fade……. Stay close Munchkin, love you xxxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooxxxxxxxxxxx
Julie Small, Tambo Upper , posted 8/02/2013 11:10 am – Cooper I was with your family at Coopers Night last night and wanted to say a few words about you, but decided to say it here instead Cooper, even though I didnt get the chance to meet you, I feel like I know you so well through the eyes of your mummy, daddy and grandparents. I see the pain in there eyes every time i see them, but I also see the love and joy and twinkle in their eyes when they talk about you. You are so loved by everyone. Keep smiliing and laughing Cooper and shine brightly over your family xxx
Deby Trayner, England UK, posted 10/12/2012 11:52 pm – Dear Cooper, I met your mummy years and years ago when I visited Aus for the first time. I couldn’t have asked for a more loving and friendly person to introduce me to everything Aus . Your Nana and Grandpa kindly gave us a room in their house and we ( my husband) stayed with them. You would be very very proud of your mummy as she is keeping you very much with everyone who met and knew you, or like me have come to meet you through this site. Feel the love honeypie xxdeby
Tiff and Jim O’Shea, Brisbane, posted 30/11/2012 6:09 pm – Hi cooper, please know that your mummy and daddy are extremely brave and courageous people and even though i didnt get to meet you, you sure are a cutie!!!. We lost our little boy hayden just 3 weeks ago, he was almost 15 months old. Wherever you guys are i hope your having a wonderful time and taking care of eachother, and we will be doing everything we can to help find a way to get some answers for sudc and sids xoxoxo
Janelle, Healesville, posted 19/11/2012 7:43 am – Hugs and kisses . Xox
Carla, Melton, Vic, posted 19/11/2012 7:14 am – Cooper, I do not know you and your family personally but reading your story and Cooper remins me so much my my youngest son who is now 18 months old. He is vibrant wonderful happy vivacious huggable and lovable just lie Cooper. His favorite words are the same as Cooper’s. To Cooper’s parents I am so sorry for your loss and to Chelsea I am so sorry that you did not get to meet your big brother but I am sure that he is watching over you all. I am sure that he looking out for you all and making sure that you are ok from wherever you are. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family
Nina, California, USA, posted 8/11/2012 3:44 am – Hi Cooper! I have been searching for a family like yours that was torn apart just like mine. May 13th, 2012 was the fifth anniversary of the day that I lost my 26-month-old godson, my Joshua. I helped to raise him with his mother during the second year of his life after his parents separated. Joshua was the joy in my life at that time. I am grateful that you had parents that are trying to find the reasons for losses like you and my Joshua. For us, the loss was made worse by the fact that May 13 in 2007 was Mother’s Day. Joshua had had a very full day of running around and enjoying his family that day and went to bed early. When we checked on him 3 hours later, he was not breathing and we were unable to bring him back to us. He was gone, just like that. He was healthy and vibrant and then he was gone. Cooper’s parents, please know that you aren’t alone in your loss and that there are others fighting against this. Thank you for taking action.
Kelly Ashley, Bairnsdale, posted 17/10/2012 8:39 pm – Hey Coops, your Dad and Mum are at it again doing great things to continue to raise money and make you very proud!! Golf day tomorrow which sounds like it will be another great event.. Hopefully your dad plays ok! Mum is running around organising another wonderful night in your memory and can’t wait for Cooper’s big night out.. We all still miss you so much little man and was a sad day knowing you should have been here for your 4th birthday the other weekend.. x
Jodes, Kalimna , posted 16/09/2012 8:19 pm – Hey coops…we never met but in more ways than one, you have become an integral part of our lives. Your mum and dad have done a SUPER amazing job of raising awareness of your life and everything it meant to them. We will continue to ride the rollercoaster of life with your mum and dad, and your beautiful little sister chelsea mouse…archie has taken a bit of shine to her so we will see what the future brings. Know you are loved and missed every single day by so many…but we know we have a beautiful star that shines forever brightly in the sky… take care little man and if you catch melon up there..give him a cuddle for us jodes, pete, angel eli and archie xoxo
Juju, Tambo Upper, posted 11/07/2012 5:00 pm – Cooper, I love sitting with your mummy and watching videos of you, looking at photos and hearing stories about you, I am postive that there are times that you contact your mummy through Chelsea. Your goreous mummy, grandma, aunty emma, phoebe, sally, anne and juju are organising ‘Coopers Big Night Out” in November. Keep shinning over your family Cooper
Mummy, Home, posted 6/07/2012 3:59 pm – To my precious little Coops, I can’t believe the day has come that your darling little sister is officially “older” than you, her big brother 🙁 I know you are watching over her every day, keeping her safe and making her laugh, and I promise you that she will grow up knowing how special you are, she will watch your videos and see your photos everywhere, she can already say your name when she sees your beautiful face. We love you and miss you every second of every day baby boy, I just wish that you were here with us making our family complete, and being the perfect big brother that I know you will always be from afar 🙁 All my heart, love and kisses Munchkin, Mummy xxx
Skye, Sydney, posted 25/06/2012 4:49 pm – Hey Little man, Wow this is harder then I thought. This is the first time I have been on here to see everything your mum and dad has done for you. Every day I think I of you and wish you were still here. That morning plays in my head over and over again and wish it had never happened. The only way i could deal with it was to run and hide, I feel so guilty for not being there for your mum and dad. This year was the first time I went back to your home and it was good to be back. It was nice to feel you all round watching over everyone. For the short little time you were here it was so amazing and i wish it could of lasted longer. I send you lots and lots of cuddles and kisses everyday. I love you lots Coops, forever in my heart… love aunty skye xoxox
Pete E, Torquay , posted 6/02/2012 8:37 pm – Hi Robert and Kylie and Cooper and Chelsea. My neighbours are Alex and karl Waddell and Dee (alex’s mother) who tragically lost their beautiful baby River to SIDS last Nov. 7 and after watching such a tragedy unfold to the most loving parents and my friends, I can only admire the dedication you have shown to your beautiful boy Cooper in not only setting up his foundation and raising nearly 200 thousand dollars but also for reaching out through your website and giving Alex and Karl the strength and love they also need at this time. Like you they have been so strong in the face of such hardship in setting up River’s Foundation which has already raised over 15k and they now have wonderful and brave people like you to look up to. My heart aches for you today..xx… and I hope one day the two foundations can help find a cure through research or any means possible…. till then we must raise more money xxx pete
Angie, Adelaide, posted 6/02/2012 5:44 pm – Thinking of your mummy and daddy today even though I don’t know them. I hope you are looking after my cousin’s beautiful baby River. Your mummy and daddy are special people and have been helping River’s mummy and daddy cope without him. Sweet dreams little one xx
Milly Galbally, Southbank Melbourne, posted 21/12/2011 1:11 pm – Hey super cooper, was just sitting in my room listening to some music and looking out my window wondering where about you may be…had a little giggle as i imagined you on a cloud somewhere up there looking down at me laughing at my terrible singing and my skinny dog Berry! just thought i send you a little message as was thinking about you at this moment. Love you Super cooper i treasure the precious moments i did spend with you and wishing i had of travelled up from melbourne to see you more. i see your cheaky smile in the eyes of your little sister Chelsea mouse. Love you coops Love Milly
warwick , paynesville, posted 26/10/2011 2:13 pm – Angels will always fly with bright coloured feathers Sometimes they visit this earth for brief moments. However, their impact on our lives,will always be remembered. To you Cooper. Always in our hearts Forever in our souls Your Mum is really good singer & you have an amazing Dad.
Marie and Bernard Samson, Cairnlea, Vic, posted 12/10/2011 2:00 pm – Dear Cooper, I hope you and Rafael have found each other up there in heaven. He can help you with the sun rises and sun sets, and maybe you can help him tend the strawberry fields. He loved strawberries. We will help your Mummy and Daddy in whatever way we can so that other mums and dads will not have to go through what we are going through. xox
Fran Pinch, Johnsonville, posted 7/10/2011 7:58 am – Happy 3rd Birthday Coops – thinking of you today and hope you bring some rays of sunshine to your amazing family. x x x
Bec, Canberra, posted 22/08/2011 6:05 pm – Dear Coops, Sorry it has taken so long to pluck up the courage to write to you. As you know I talk to you all the time and say good morning and goodnight to the photo of you and mummy that I keep in my room. The utter shock of losing you is something unimaginable. I still struggle to believe you have gone to the angels. The last time I saw you Coops you were very hard to catch just for a quick cuddle and a kiss. You were a very busy little man. I wish I had that time over Coops, even just a little longer, just one more kiss. I have watched your amazing mummy and daddy stand up and fight hard so that other families never have to endure the torture that they have been dealing with. The look on your mummy’s & daddy’s face when I first saw them after you went to heaven is permanently tattooed in my brain. So much despair. I feel so blessed to have known you even for such a short time. You made all of our lives that little more sweeter and so much brighter. I have met your beautiful baby sister Coops, she is a little doll. I promise I will keep a close eye on her as she grows up but I know in my heart you will have this one covered. Chelsea will forever have the most amazing big brother and guardian angel sitting on her shoulder. I will continue to give her big kisses for you. After all she is just like you, oh so smoochable! You will never be forgotten Coops, there are far too many people whose lives you have touched, and for those who didn’t have the privilege of meeting and loving you, mummy and daddy are making sure that Cooper Robert Trewin is a name that is never forgotten and said often. I will keep playing my special song for you Coops, you will be forever in my heart. I love you! Aunty Bec xxx
Kelly, Canberra, posted 2/06/2011 12:47 am – To darling baby Cooper – I saw your gorgeous family over the weekend. Your baby sister is so beautiful, I could barely put her down! I could cuddle her all day! Your cousins Arabelle, Scarlett and Polly-Jean had a little snuggle with Chelsea too! It was so nice to see your mum after all this time – she certainly is beautiful and very kind and gentle. Because family is so important, I will make a promise to you today to try our very best to stay in contact. I’d love to see your house and your grandma’s house too. Make sure to watch over us. Peace and love to you little one. xxx
Emma Dawson, Longford, posted 14/05/2011 8:49 am – To our little Coop’s, how things are not the same without you here. Christmas, Easter, Ava’s 1st Birthday, your little sister’s arrival, it’s just not fair. We miss you, will never forget you & think about you everyday xo. Love u always little man, Aunty Em, Uncle Cal, Tailyn & Ava xoxo.
Grandma & Grandpa, Lake Bunga, posted 24/04/2011 5:45 pm – To dear little Cooper. We shared many happy times when you were with us but since the angels called you, it has been the hardest and saddest time of our lives. Not only did you leave your fingerprints on our mirror doors, you also left them embedded in our hearts. We will always love you and keep your memory alive forever. Lots of love Grandma & Grandpa xxxx
Carly Williams, Originally from Bairnsdale (now in Perth), posted 24/04/2011 1:25 pm – Lots a love little cooper, you were so blessed to have Kylie and Rob for your Mummy and Daddy…you experienced more love in your short time with us than most people do in a lifetime. Your new baby sister Chelsea will help look after them both for you while they work hard to find a cure for SUDC as the true crusaders they are, with your love also to keep them strong. I’m sorry I never got to meet you, though I can tell what a true angel you were from all the wonderful pictures and movies that your parents took and shared with me. They were truly touched by an angel when you arrived in the world and I know you truly never left and will forever be in their hearts. Happy Easter Trewin family, you are so beautiful and inspirational.
Trisha, Queanbeyan, NSW, posted 24/04/2011 8:46 am – As an aunty, great-aunty and godmother I can understand how precious a child’s life is. Cooper, your short but loved life leaves a legacy will help science to understand what causes this to occur. Rest well, young man.
Andrew Sammut, Melbourne, posted 21/04/2011 11:35 am – Dear Cooper, No need to tell you that your parents are amazing and inspirational people, I’m sure you already know. We will be doing all we can to support the foundation in your honour.
Melanie Karaszkewych, Sale, Victoria, posted 19/04/2011 8:03 pm – To beautiful little Coops. Your new little sister is so much like you 🙂 She is so beautiful and Im sure you watch over her everyday. I miss you alot and wish for your family that you where still with them. You will always live on in my memories and through you mummy & daddy and all your aunty, uncles and grandparents. A beautiful personality like yours will never fade cheeky chicken. Love you very much & miss you Coops. Love Melly xxxxx P.S. I couldnt be more proud of 2 people in my life like I am of your parents Coops. You couldnt of had more amazing parents to have shared your 16 months with you are a very loved boy. 🙂
Craig and Karen Terrill, Tambo Upper, posted 16/04/2011 9:34 pm – Cooper a very special little boy our hearts go out to your mummy and daddy and the other mummy and daddy’s that have lost little ones at such a young age. Rob and Kylie you are two very special people and what your doing is just amazing we wish you all the best and hope that one day with enough research you will find some answers to this terrible condition.
Uncle Squidgee, Logan Village Qld, posted 16/04/2011 5:48 pm – Dear little Coops, One of the saddest things I have to live with is that I never got to meet you. I heard so much about you from your amazing Mum & Dad.I am so sorry we were never able to make it down to see you, the little man who made his parents so proud. We are coming down next week to see your little sister who we are so looking forward to meet. I know she will be the sparkle in her parents eye just as you are. In our hearts always uncle squidgee
Julie Small, Tambo Upper, posted 16/04/2011 11:14 am – Cooper, I never met you,but heard so many beautiful stories and saw gorgeous photos of you. May the sun always shine over you, Chelsea, and your amazing mummy and daddy.
Veronica , Bairnsdale, posted 16/04/2011 10:07 am – What a wonderful place your mummy and daddy have created for you here Cooper.. I know you are so proud of all they are doing in your memory.. For some reason I keep thinking in my head the song *You are my sunshine*, I sat and sang it ( I know my voice isnt the best sweety ) I do remember our last time in seeing you with your mummy and grandma down town.. You are missed, never forgotten, loved always, God Bless you and your amazing family.. hugz
Kelly Fleischer, Paynesville, posted 16/04/2011 9:45 am – Hey little Coops, your Daddy and Mummy (along with some pretty good helpers) have done an amazing job getting this webiste up and running! We will never forget your little smiliing face and this site is another great way to keep your memory alive.. Your beautiful little sister is blessed to have a guardian angel watching over her for life! x
Daddy, Swan Reach, posted 16/04/2011 8:35 am – It has been a lot of hard work Coops but we finally have your web site up and going. I am sure that you really want me to thank Dave & Phoebe from Apex Host for supplying all of this for free, we are really lucky to have such good neighbours and friends and I truly wish we had have made it to their house for the BBQ on the 6th of February 2010 as planned instead of how it turned out. We also need to thank them for talking to Sharon Parry from Basic Data Solution who also came on board with a level of professionalism, energy and expertise that has blown us away. Sharon did not know us and lives in Newcastle yet has done an amazing amount of work for free designing, setting this website up and training myself to be able to navigate and input all of the data. We cannot thank her enough and her generosity is appreciated. Well Coops, I hope that you are proud of everybody that has contributed to your fund and we look forward to working with SIDS and Kids to establish some research in the Sudden and Unexplained Death in Children.
Mummy, Swan Reach, posted 15/04/2011 5:58 pm – My darling little Munchkin, There is such a big part of my life missing every day, everything reminds me of how we used to spend our days together, our daily outings, playful bath time and my favourite beautiful cuddles every morning when you would get out of bed. I miss you dancing to the Wiggles and your cheeky little giggle, you were my sunshine. Although I only held you in my arms for such a short while, I will hold you in my heart forever and always my love, miss you every minute of every day baby boy, Sending you all my love today and always, love Mummy xxxoooxxx
Robert Trewin, Swan Reach, posted 19/02/2011 12:35 pm – Cooper you have changed our lives forever and it was the happiest day of my life when you were born. I miss and love you more than anybody could ever imagine and can you please look down over your new sister Chelsea to guide and protect her. Forever in my heart, I miss you mate. Love Daddy
Chelsea Trewin, Swan Reach, posted 19/02/2011 12:26 pm – To my big brother up in heaven, I will think of you often and grow up knowing and loving you Cooper as Mum and Dad have promised that you will be in our lives and hearts forever.
Kylie Trewin, Swan Reach, posted 19/02/2011 12:21 pm – To my dear little munchkin, Mummy loves you very much.

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