The Cooper Trewin Golf Classic held at the Sandhurst Golf Club in Melbourne was a massive success with 100 players raising over $18,000 for the day.

The Charity Golf day has support for the event from the local finance industry and contacts within the lending community.
The day comprised of a format known as “Jensen’s” which involved each player taking a drive, picking the best and then playing out their own ball. For each hole the 2 best stableford scores out of the team of 4 was taken and then averaged which keeps the payers moving well.
The buzz and feedback from what was a wonderful event was amazing and a heartfelt speech from good friend and Westpac Senior Commercial Manager Gerrit Horchner gave a different perspective this year on how this tragedy has effected friends as well as family and the amazing work that everyone has done in Coopers name to save another family from losing their child.
The announcement of the Cooper Trewin Brighter Days Neuroimaging Study at the Golf Day is an amazing step forward and to date we have raised over $350,000.

To think we are at the leading edge of research in the biggest childrens hospital in the world, with the smartest scientists going around looking into something that could actually help prevent what happened to Cooper back in February 2010 is what we set out to achieve. It is a pilot study, cutting edge technology that we truly believe will be able to detect brain abnormalities in babies that can then be assessed as high risk and measures can be taken to monitor them.
We set out to save one child, one family from this tragedy and I can report this has happened. In fact we have probably saved more however we received a phone call last night. Her brother Craig purchased a baby sense motion monitor for his friend who has just had a child. One week ago, the alarm went off, after racing into the room the child was not breathing and not responding, the father picked her up and gently shook her for 10 seconds until she responded, the child is almost 2 years old, older than Cooper. If that child was not monitored the family has little doubt they would have woke in the morning to what we did four years ago. 
Cooper, his foundation and the work we are doing has saved one family from this tragedy. I could never put into words how this makes us feel, it is truly amazing and we are so proud of Cooper.