Rotary Club of Bairnsdale Sunrise in conjunction with Robert and Kylie helped organise a Raffle with the major prize being a beautiful hand made garden seat donated by White Rose Furniture. Raffle was drawn on 25/08/2010 at a Rotary meeting by our local state member of parliament with over 4000 tickets sold and a total of $27,553 raised.

With an amazing response form the local community, friends and Gerrit Horchner from Westpac Commercial we have been able to raise an amazing amount of funds to start our fundraising for the Cooper Trewin Memorial SUDC Research Fund. Firstly I would just like to mention the businesses that donated the prizes being White Rose Furniture who donated a beautiful hand made garden seat, Robert Trewin who donated a iPod Touch, Advantage Pharmacy who donated an Estee Lauder Hamper, Retravision who donated a DVD player and Glenn & Judy Wicks Optometrists who donated sunglasses.

Gerrit Horchner who works for Westpac alone managed to not only sell $6975 worth of Raffle Tickets he also got the entire Westpac Victorian Commercial team on board for the cause and arranged for Westpac to actually match the staffs donations which they have done making the total amount $13,950 raised from Gerrit alone which is an amazing effort.

Rotary Club of Bairnsdale Sunrise and its members did an amazing job also selling these tickets locally and took great ownership.

Bob Yeates and his team from the local paper need to be applauded on their outstanding efforts in designing, printing and supplying free of charge the raffle books and promotional posters to be able to run the raffle.

Congratulations to the winners who it must be noted that three of the winners actually donated their prizes back immediately for future fundraising efforts.