Paul Beha who lives near Cooper’s Grandparents has managed to arrange a donation for the Cooper Trewin Memorial SUDC Research Fund that forms part of the Safety Incentive Scheme, Production Services Network (PSN) and Esso/BHP Billiton.

The Companies would like to donate $8,397.58 to Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood, through SIDS and Kids and the  donation is being made by their Offshore crew, working out in Bass Strait.  They wanted to donate to SUDS and as such  forwarded a cheque through to us. The donation comes under the umbrella of a Safety Performance Incentive Scheme which is implemented across all of PSN’s projects with Esso/BHPBilliton:  Long Island Point, Hastings, Bass Strait offshore facilities, and Longford Gas Plant.

The scheme basically rewards superior safety performance and recognises positive safety behaviour and is essentially a “points for dollars” system where workgroups are awarded points on a monthly basis for achieving zero recordable injuries, completing workplace inspections and management reviews, and maintaining compliance with their training matrix On a monthly rotational basis, the projects then can choose what charity they would like to donate to.